woman leaning on bed

At Holistic Support & Wellness, we are aware of the financial strain that may ensue as a result of trauma, and have a strong belief that everyone should have the access to professional support and wellness. Therefore, affordable hourly rates are offered, and there are no required upfront costs of packages. However, upfront fees for packages can be made available at a discounted rate upon request.

Support & Services

a single red rose sitting on a rock



Personalized Support for Your Unique Journey

Trauma is a deeply personal experience, and everyone's healing path is unique. In individual support sessions, you'll receive one-on-one attention and a customized approach tailored to your needs, goals, and circumstances. You will experience a safe, non-judgmental space to explore your experiences, emotions, and aspirations.

Empowerment Through Neuroscience

Through individual support sessions, you'll gain a deep understanding of how trauma impacts your brain and body. You'll learn about the neuroscience of trauma, resilience, and post-traumatic growth. Armed with this knowledge, you'll develop powerful strategies to manage overwhelming emotions, build resilience, and rewire your brain for well-being. You'll feel empowered to take control of your healing and transformation.

Release Burdens, Embrace Freedom

Trauma is often accompanied by shame, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs. But with the guidance of you a trauma informed and narcissistic abuse recovery specialist, you'll have the opportunity to challenge and release these burdens. You'll learn to practice self-compassion, cultivate a positive self-image, and embrace your inherent worthiness. You'll experience the freedom and joy of living beyond the constraints of trauma.

Confidentiality and Flexibility

You will the highest level of ethical services, confidentiality and flexibility. Sessions can be scheduled at a time that works for you, and you can attend from the comfort and privacy of your own space. This makes it an ideal option for those with busy lives or who prefer a more individualized setting.

Investment in Your Well-being

While it is an invaluable investment, it's a powerful one in your healing, growth, and overall well-being. The personalized guidance, strategies, and support you'll receive can have a transformative impact on your life, relationships, and future. You deserve to invest in yourself and your journey of healing and resilience. You are worth it.

Don't Wait - Start Your Journey Today

Healing and transformation are possible, and they start with a single step. Don't wait to begin your journey. Secure your individual support sessions today and take the first step towards a life of resilience, purpose, and joy. You deserve to live a life free from the burdens of trauma. This program is your invitation to that life. With support, you can start your path of healing and growth today.

Group Group


The Power of Connection

Healing from trauma doesn't have to be a solo journey. In this program, you'll engage in recovery group support sessions with others who share your experiences. Together, you'll find comfort, understanding, and a sense of belonging. You'll realize that you're not alone, and that others are walking a similar path.

Empowerment Through Education

Through engaging sessions and practical exercises, you'll develop new skills and insights rooted in neuroscience. You'll learn how to understand your brain, manage overwhelming emotions, and build resilience. You'll discover tools to rewire your brain for well-being and growth, empowering you to transform your life.

Release Shame, Embrace Self-Compassion

Trauma often brings shame, self-doubt, and negative beliefs. But in this supportive community, you'll find acceptance and emotional safety.

You'll learn to practice self-compassion, challenge limiting beliefs, and cultivate a kinder, more loving relationship with yourself. You'll release the burden of shame and embrace your inherent worthiness.

Encouragement and Support

Our group community offers more than just a sense of belonging - it provides ongoing support and encouragement. You'll celebrate each other's victories, offer comfort in challenging times, and inspire each other to keep moving forward. You'll feel seen, heard, and empowered to pursue your goals with confidence.

An Affordable Path to Transformation

Individual support sessions are invaluable, but it can be costly. The Group Support Sessions program offers an affordable way to access the guidance of a trained professional and the support of a non-judgemental community who can also empathise with your experience. You'll receive the benefits of recovery support and education at a fraction of the cost, making transformation more accessible.

Space is Limited - Secure Your Spot Today

Don't miss this opportunity to heal, grow, and transform your life. Space in the group support program is limited to ensure a safe, personalized experience for all participants. Secure your spot today and take the first step towards a life of resilience, purpose, and joy.

Trauma Informed Neuroscience-Based Support

Have you tried various healing methods, only to find that your trauma keeps resurfacing?

Reduction/Expansion is a transformative healing method famed for its rapid effectiveness. If you're searching for a way to alleviate your burdens and restore wellness, look no further-this method guarantees relief every single time.

What is Reduction/Expansion?

Reduction/Expansion is a somatic healing modality like no other, lovingly coined “the healing modality that works 100% of the time.” This neuroscience technique is designed to target and eliminate deep-seated emotional and mental roadblocks quickly and efficiently by leveraging the brain's neuroplasticity to effectively rewire years of trauma without requiring individuals to share their painful experiences. Unlike traditional methods that can be time-consuming and inconsistent, Reduction/Expansion offers a guaranteed route to peace of mind and emotional freedom, as it a safe, effective way to rewire the brain's trauma responses, fostering genuine, lasting recovery. It method's emphasis on neuroplasticity ensures that clients can achieve significant progress without the distress of reliving traumatic memories.

How Does Reduction/Expansion Work?

The Reduction/Expansion Method works by honing in on specific memories or experiences that have created negative patterns in your life. During a session, an expert practitioner will guide you through a process that involves reducing the emotional intensity of these memories. Then, through expansion techniques, you'll reframe these memories to cultivate positive associations. It’s like hitting the reset button but leaving you with an enhanced sense of well-being and empowerment.

Why Does Reduction/Expansion Work?

It's effectiveness lies in its methodology. By blending the principles of psychology with cutting-edge neurobiological insights, Rapid Reduction taps into how our brains store and process emotional memory. The reduction phase alleviates overwhelming emotions tied to specific incidents, while the expansion phase rewires your brain to associate those incidents with positivity rather than distress. It's not just about feeling better; it’s about ensuring those feelings last, and being free from the burden of the trauma resurfaces from triggers.

What are the Results of Reduction/Expansion?

Individuals who’ve experienced Reduction/Expansion often report immediate relief from long-standing issues-a lightness in their heart and mind that they hadn't felt in years. This can include overcoming phobias, anxiety, depression, and even chronic physical conditions exacerbated by stress and emotional turmoil.

How Many Sessions Does Reduction/Expansion Take?

Remarkably, most clients notice significant changes after just one session. However, for more complex or deeply rooted issues, multiple sessions might be recommended to fully embed new positive patterns into your life. Typically, three to five sessions are sufficient for profound and lasting results.

What Symptoms Does Reduction/Expansion Help?

Rapid Reduction has shown efficacy in addressing a wide range of symptoms including, but not limited to:

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Phobias

  • C-PTSD

  • PTSD

  • ADHD symptoms

  • Chronic stress

  • Somatic stress

  • Behavioral issues

It’s also beneficial for improving overall mental health and enhancing personal growth by clearing any subconscious blockages holding you back.

Is Reduction/Expansion Evidence-Based?

Yes, Reduction/Expansion is grounded in well-researched psychological principles. While empirical evidence continues to grow, numerous testimonials affirm their effectiveness. The methodologies within these approaches align closely with current understandings of neuroplasticity-the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections.


The experience of Reduction/Expansion brings about profound changes that mirror stories of miraculous transformations-people reclaim control over their lives, revitalized with clarity and direction they once thought unattainable. Whether it's unshackling yourself from traumatic past events or shedding years of built-up stress, the lasting serenity achieved is nothing short of life-changing.

Reduction/Expansion isn't just another therapy; it’s a somatic based approach commitment to transformation-a pathway to rediscovering joy, tranquility, and fulfillment on your terms.


What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting is a revolutionary therapy developed by Dr. David Grand that taps into the body's innate ability to heal itself from trauma. It works with the deep brain and body to access, process, and release stored trauma that is stuck in the body. Unlike talk therapy, Brainspotting does not require you to relive the traumatic event or even talk about it. Instead, it uses eye positions and gaze as windows into the brain to find the exact "spots" where trauma is stored.

How Does Brainspotting Work?

During a Brainspotting session, the therapist will guide you to find your unique brainspots. These are specific eye positions that correlate with the stored traumatic memory or emotion in your brain and body. When you focus your gaze on your brainspot, it allows your brain to access and process the trauma. The therapist may then use bilateral stimulation, such as eye movement or sound, to help your brain release the trauma. This process can lead to deep emotional and physical healing.

Why Does Brainspotting Work?

Brainspotting works by directly accessing the trauma stored in the brain and body. When we experience trauma, it gets stuck in our nervous system. Brainspotting locates the specific areas of the brain where the trauma is stored and stimulates the body's natural ability to release it. This process can lead to rapid and profound healing.

What Symptoms Does Brainspotting Help?

Brainspotting is highly effective for a wide range of trauma-based symptoms, including, but not limited to:

  • C-PTSD

  • PTSD

  • Anxiety and panic attacks

  • Depression and emotional dysregulation

  • Chronic pain and physical tension

  • Phobias and fears

  • Performance anxiety and blocks

  • Grief and loss

  • Relationship issues

  • Procrastination

  • ADHD

  • Stress

  • Habit Change

  • Rumination

  • Sports performance

  • Somatic stress

How Many Sessions Does Brainspotting Take?

The number of Brainspotting sessions needed can vary from person to person. Some people may experience significant healing in just one session, while others may need a series of sessions. Typically, a course of 3 to 12 sessions can lead to substantial improvement. It's also important to note that Brainspotting is often used in conjunction with other therapeutic approaches for severe depression and anxiety. Therefore, it would be beneficial for you to seek additional consultation from a therapist for a comprehensive treatment plan.

Is Brainspotting Evidence-Based?

Yes, Brainspotting is considered one of the most effective evidence-based modalities for releasing trauma. It has been extensively researched and has shown to be highly effective in treating trauma and PTSD. Brainspotting combines elements of other trauma therapies, such as EMDR and Somatic Experiencing, and has been shown to be more efficient and effective for many people.

You deserve to live a life free from the burdens and afflictions of trauma. You deserve to understand yourself, heal, and thrive! Send a message below to schedule a 20 minute complimentary discovery call.
